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    Thursday, August 16, 2012

    Seeing God in Mexico

     Not too long ago, I was in Mexico with 32 others on a missions trip where we built houses, hung sheet rock, speckled sheet rock, hammered nails, played with children and led these youngsters in a Sunday School class type format with a lesson; games and a craft.

      We also went to people's houses and prayed for them, whatever they needed prayer for and whatever they desired from God.

      Seeing students (college and high school) interact with people on a deep level was amazing to see but more amazing was their expectation of God showing up.

     Early in the week, we challenged students to expect God to do great things.  We simply showed some of the great things God could do through the Scriptures like headings, brining people to salvation, speaking in other languages, the Holy Spirit giving power to share one's story...but we didn't define great for them, we simply made the challenge: expect God to do great things.

     That same day a group of students saw a person come to know Jesus and a person healed in the same house during the same time of prayer!  God also used each student in the prayer group to share their story of how God had grabbed their hearts and hanged them.  The Holy Spirit enabled them to share their story...it was incredible to behold!

      We then saw God design divine appointments all through out the week.  Once such appointment was a Korean man praying for help.

      There was a Korean church working with one of our VBS sites and they were only 8 people in a crowd of over 60 kids.  They passed out juice and hamburgers to the kids and caused a lot of craziness with such a spread of food.  The Korean pastor told us he had to get away and pray for help.

     The moment we arrived was the moment he had finished saying "Amen".  His faith was increased and the story sent all of us into an excited state as well.

     Many more, very similar events like this unfolded but one thing is clear: our team saw God in Mexico and we, the leaders challenged them to not just have eyes to see God away from home but at home as well.  We challenged the to do less facebook, less tv and more time with God.  We made this challenge because many of them said that the minimal distractions is what led them to see and hear God more clearly than ever before.

      God has been good and we saw Him do mighty things!  We know he can continue to do mighty things, so lets all expect God to do great things!