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    Tuesday, August 28, 2012

    My Big Boy

     Today, Hilary and I launched our boy into the world of School.  OK, so what if it's 3 year old Pre-K; to us, it's a BIG deal and an even bigger deal to MJ.

     This morning he wore his backpack around all morning, begging to get the show on the road so he could get to school. We talked about school, encouraged him to be kind and allow Jesus to help him share and be nice.

      He then retorted: "I don't want Jesus in my heart to help...I don't like hearts!"  I then said: "OK, Jesus is in your square, and He'll help you...is that OK?" MJ said: "Yeah, that's OK"

      Silly first day of school conversations.

      I am proud, excited and nervous for him.  It's weird being on this side of the coin when for so long I was the one going to school and being wished well on my way out the door.  I seriously felt a twinge of jealousy thinking: "wow, school wasn't so bad! No real responsibilities, able to be shaped and molded and a whole host of new experiences coming down the pike!"

      See, you miss it too, if only a little bit.

      MJ is super excited about school, and I his Daddy am too but again...it does feel weird to be in a different role when it comes to "going to school".  I'm sure as the year progresses, I will have much more to say but for now, I am a proud, excited, nervous Daddy who is watching his little boy grow up too fast.

      Let's all remember to Treasure each day with our children as if it may be our last.  Let's let them know just how deeply we love them, how deeply we care and how much they mean to us!